Well, it's been a long time since the last post. The posts are getting farther and farther apart. Not necessarily because we're slackers, but because Jed really likes to have both Mum & Da-dee around him. So it can be difficult for one to sneak off and update the blog or balance the check book or even just use the toilet!I suppose I should start off with the good news. It's a girl!! And at our check up last week, she's doing well. I'm doing well - except when she decides to do a flip - as that is not too comfortable. Here's a picture of Jarrod & "Cinna-bun's" profile. (My students have nick-named the baby.)
Here are some Christmas time highlights as this Roll family went on the trip fondly referred to as "Four Families in Four Days." (It's actually 5 if you count the extended family on my Mom's side). Traveling at the holidays really takes alot out of us. So, we're working on rethinking it. But it's not easy! : ) Derrick (below) was Jed's buddy at G&G Roll's. Derrick was getting some "Daddy Practice" as he and Amy were awaiting their little one who was born last week! Congrats Derrick & Amy!

Here's Jed at G&G Oswald's getting a ride on. The coolest part are the buttons that make lots of different construction type noises.

Jed and his trains . . . . "Whooo whooo!" (We don't leave home without 'em!)

They be jammin! Uncle Ryan was rocking out and Jed was holding his own for a toddler and first time drummer. Jed loves this picture. I still need to get a print made for his room. He really looks up to Uncle Ryan and Uncle Kevin.

Jed at Grandpa Tut's house. Grandpa put up the old electric train that used to be his as child, which he also brought out at Christmas' when I was little. Jed was in his glory - he loved running around yelling "whoo whoo!." We tried to get a picture of him with his 2nd cousins Ciara and Kira, but his was just too excited about that train.

Here's Jed at Grandma Tut's house. He got a Percy wooden engine and was completely in awe.

Here we are at home about four days later having our own Christmas Celebration. We found Jed a wooden train whistle. Jed didn't want to blow it so he had Da-dee do it.

One of the many pictures we have of Jarrod & Jed playing outside in the snow. This is one of their first adventures outside. Jed enjoyed climbing up the large pile of snow and sliding down on his bottom. Every once and awhile, Jarrod would hide on the other side and "Surprise!" Jed. He thought that was great fun.

All tuckered out from an afternoon in the snow. Jarrod just soaked up every moment of that nap since this is the first time Jed slept on either of us in about a year or more. (We really miss those naps!)

Jed is soo proud that he can "swim" in the bathtub. He's getting more and more brave with each bath - putting his face in the water and attempting to blow bubbles, pouring water over his head and more!

Jarrod had taken about 5 days off so we could spend time together and do a little rearranging of the house before the baby comes. During this time, Jed would get to watch his new Thomas & Friends Videos while Jarrod & I moved furniture. He loved cozying up in his Thomas chair with his Thomas blanket.

Once the rooms were finished, we discovered how much fun it was to play upstairs in the big room. It is so much more spacious with the new arrangement. The train table(below) will have a train set up on it when the baby comes. But for now it makes a great bowling alley, racetrack and building block space. You can also see that we converted the crib to a toddler bed. Our little man is so grown up.

Across from the toddler bed, from where the previous pic is taken is my old couch. It a great place to read about ladybugs and other stuff. Sometime this summer, the couch will find a new home and a twin bed will take it's place. Then the toddler bed will be converted back into a crib. Wow! Such transitions! I think Jed will be very excited to have a "big" bed.

Another picture of Jed and the snow. He enjoys playing outside soo much. I'm very thankful that we were able to find some great boots and warm snowpants. He does not like to come back in the house - even after an hour or so outside. He adopted a slotted spoon from the kitchen which has come to be fondly known as the "snow spoon." Jed is very content to walk around the yard and scoop snow. Sometimes he'll even toss it in the air.
Another favorite of Jed's is Da-dee's tape measures. Here he is mimicking Jarrod by measuring our refrigerator. If he's anything like his dad, he'll be quite the handyman.

We've rediscovered the joy of a clothesbasket. For about 3 weeks Jed would ask for rides around the house in them. But with the quickly expanding belly, Da-dee was the only one who could wield the toddler-ladden basket. So, while waiting for Da-dee to come home, we would put Jed's favorite things in the clothesbaskets and make little nests.

Another fun aspect of our house is this low window on the second floor. The best part is that we have an ottoman that fits perfectly between the two walls that flank it. It is the perfect window seat. Jed is often found sitting reading a book or watching Da-dee snow blowing the driveway. This time I found him with his pillows, stool and new Hot Wheels ramp. Does he look like a little king on his throne or what?
We don't have much for pictures from his second birthday party, so we're hoping those of you that were there to celebrate would be willing to share them with us. We can hardly believe that he has been in our lives for two full years. We are so thankful for him, as he has been and will continue to be a blessing in our lives. Thank you to all our family and friends that have been supporting us and praying for us and specifically Jed. We are looking forward with excitement about what God has in store for this particular Roll family and hope that you will all continue to share in the journey with us.