July snuck out without us having any 90+ degree days that I was dreading. After last summer and trying to stay cool w/ only one little one, I wasn't sure how I'd handle it with Stella being so new. But, God is good and there was very little heat that we needed to escape. I finally am finding some footing at home. I found it more difficult to transition into staying home due to illness - either mine or the kids. But we're all finally healthy and doing well. We've got a bit of a routine down. The ladies at the library should know us by name VERY soon. It's on our walking route most days and Jed always wants to go into visit the red-earred slider, Sally (she's a turtle). Tuesdays are a joy for me as we head to a park to meet other moms. Jed loves meeting Max there & running around all over with him. Jed is absolutely exhausted when we get home and sleeps most of the afternoon.
Stella continues to be a mellow baby. She is still sleeping through the night w/ 2 night feedings. She is starting to stretch out the time between some feedings. Last week there were at least 3 instances I remember of her going 5 or more hours between feedings. Sometimes this happens at night and sometimes during the day. She is getting to be a talker - always babbleing to someone or something. And she has LOTS of smiles. Mostly for mommy, rarely for daddy and sometimes for Jed. Stella continues to be a mommy's girl and is currently sleeping in my lap as I type. She won't sleep as sound and as long if I put her down. I'd rather have her sleep longer than put her down! And unless it's really hot - which it is not - or I have stuff to get done, then I'll put her down. Honestly - I love sleeping babies - watching them sleep, cuddling with them, the sleepy smiles - everything about it! It's still difficult to tell what color her eyes will be. Her hair gets longer all the time and is still red. Jed still is wonderful with her - though he is getting bold and telling us when he wants us to put her down and play with him only. "Sessa down play trains me."
Jed is getting new words daily. He's getting the gist of a sentence. He misses words like the, he, she, and and others. He'll fill in their spots w/ a small "uh." He is starting to sing the ABC's by himself and gets all the letters (except J) through P. He's trying to hum along or sing more words to song we hear often. And he's potty training - more later.
Here's some new pictures to delight your eyes! I'm not sure if this is inbetween smiles or fusses - but still cute.

Stella smiling for mommy. Jarrod does get a bit jealous. He'll try to jump in and she'll just stop smiling sometimes and get her serious look back.

Yeah! A great picture of Jed with a REAL smile!!! I LOVE it! When I say smile I get a big open mouth like he's about to catch a marshmallow or something and sometimes he'll stick his tongue out to boot!

We blew up the inflatable pool on a rather warm day and put both kidlets in with daddy. Jed loved it, Stell either enjoyed it or tolerated it - hard to tell which was the case. My guess is she enjoyed it just like her baths. She is SOOOO cute in her swimsuit.

A paci is a baby's best friend.

Jed got caught reading books by the book police. He was given a ticket to redeem for more books a.k.a. a trip to the library.

Ahh . . . potty training. Well, I really enjoy it. He does so well! At first we started out putting on a diaper at nap and bedtime. He was doing great w/ #1 on the potty, but it always worked out that #2 would be in a diaper. So, about 4 days into it all, he was walking around goofy and saying, "Mommy butt hurt." I knew he had to go #2, so I would explain it to him and sit him on his potty. He was refusing to go. Then he started asking for a diaper. I told him that he couldn't because it wasn't nap time. So then he crawls into his bed and announces that he's going to go "nigh night." Needless to say this went on for a few hours and I made 3-5 frantic/worried calls to other moms to make sure that I was doing the right thing by refusing nap time and a diaper. Eventually it all caught up to Jed and he pee'd on the floor. While I went to get carpet cleaner and towels, he #2'd on the floor. BUT you could tell he tried to get to his potty by the smear on it.

Later that evening, he was outside w/ Jarrod and tried the same routine with him. Soon I noticed Jarrod standing outside with a concerned look on his face. I rushed out to see Jed on the potty and squeezing/pushing with all his might. And this is where we all joyfully went a moment later:

So, starting then, no more diapers. I asked Jed if we should give his baby diapers to nursery and he though that was a great idea - so we put them in a gift baby and on Sunday took them with us to nursery. He was so proud!
Here's my little guy on the blanket outside. I put the blanket down while Jed's playing for Stella to lie on. Jed always ends up on it because he wants to "cuddle Sessa."

Our little tomato lover! (I don't mind - helps keep him regular! :) )

There was a rail fair held at a park not far from our house. So we took Jed and got to tour the caboose and old steam engine. Jed was pretty scared due the noise of the horn that the kids could blow in the engine. We're lucky we got him in the caboose at all! Once inside he was just fine and enjoyed himself very much! It was treat for all to see the inside of "old timey caboose." I can't wait to go again next summer!

Our little tooth brusher - sometimes we have to do it for him.

After the rain fun for the whole family:

I'm not sure who's the bigger kid?

Jarrod does pull-ups in our tree. This makes Jed want to climb the tree. Then Jarrod wants to climb the tree! I'm just glad the branches are high enough that Jed needs assistance, otherwise, he'd be in there all day everyday!

Jed was racing his cars on a board Jarrod and I were turning into a corner shelf. It was adorable. Then we hear, "Fastest car ever!" Jarrod and I looked at each other in surprise!

Here's Smiley!

And here's Bright Eyes!

Ahh, my favorite - bedtime stories! I love it! Jarrod really enjoys it because it's the only activity that we can do with both of them. And it involves lots of cuddling!

It's time for breakfast - "Toast gel-lee." Notice the underwear:

I've got more pictures on my camera that I haven't yet had a chance to download. So, check back soon for more Roll Family Adventures! We just got back into town from my Mom's. Next week we'll be somewhere in IA with our small group, then a weekend home, to the Oswald's on labor day to meet baby Nate and Green Bay the weekend after for my cousin's wedding.