Jed's last romp with tree before it lost its leaves.

Jed & Mommy giggling on the couch.

Daddy tried to give Jed "bubble hair."

Enjoying the fall weather. He misses the leaves off his tree.

Help! I'm stuck!

Jed still loves bathtime - just in the sink. He doesn't like the tube!

He makes big messes at mealtime.

Jed's Got Mail!
Hey cute family! We know the feeling! Hopefully the pics will work tomorrow. I bet Jed is getting big! take care!
Thanks so much for the updated pics! Jed is absolutely adorable. In some pictures, I thought he looks just like Tuttle. Then in other pictures I totally saw Jarrod. I guess he's a good mixture. I'm sorry that you're feeling so out of the loop - I know the feeling. I guess that's the good thing about blogs - we can know what's going on with each other, even if we're unable to connect in person for a while. Give your little boy a big squeeze from us! We miss you.
Love you lots!
The Kilps'
OOMMGGG!!!!!1 Jeddy is soooooo CUTE!!!!1 YEAAAAAAA GREEN BEANS!!!!!!!1
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