Thursday, July 26, 2007

Feeling A Bit Guilty

I have to apologize again for the funky formating in the last post. I'm not really sure what to do about it - so PLEASE, if you know how to fix it, please help! I've tried editing the post twice and it's not working.

So, if you haven't read the last post yet, you'll want to before you read what is coming up next.

I feel guilty . . . When Jed got home today, he spent 10-15 minutes wandering around the house saying, in his really cute way, "Oh no. Oh no!" He was obviously searching for something. It was so difficult to try to talk to him, knowing full well that I have done this. I tried interesting him in other toys to no avail. Thankfully Daddy returned home a little early and the car was a great distraction.

Well, I'm off. I'm in the middle of a digital scrapbook page with some pictures from our wedding. Love you all!!

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