Ahh . . . this is Jed in his glory - sitting down for a snack of strawberries. I wish I could catch the excited look he has and his exlaimations of joy as I bring them over.
Classic Jed. He loves to spontaneously point out lights in any room he may be in. He does the same with ceiling fans and basketball hoops as well.
"Be gentle with horsey," Mommy says as Jed tries to poke him in the eye.
And now for the Contest: Can you guess what Jed has on his face in the picture shown below?
The Winner will receive a batch of home baked goodness as Jarrod likes to say. That would be a batch of either chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal raisin (your choice) either hand delivered or mailed to your home (depending upon your location relative to ours).
Here are the rules & requirements:
1) You must be a family member or friend of this particular Roll Family (I don't see this as being an issue, but just in case . . .)
2) You have to leave your guess as a comment on our blog. Yes, that may mean registering, but you won't get any junk mail.
3) The first 5 people with correct answers will have their names in a drawing for the batch of cookies.
4) The last day that you will be able to post a guess will be August 15.
Now get guessing!!
Tim and I say raviolis or spaghettios - they are quite messy!
General guess: something with BBQ sauce.
Specific guess: a grilled 92% lean chicken breast with Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce brushed on five minutes before removal from Weber grill.
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