Here we are and it's all ready November - Thanksgiving is just a few days away. It doesn't seem as though that much time has passed. Jed's toddlerhood keeps us on our toes. He is always busy and active. Jarrod is still keeping it real. Jarrod and I joined a small group of younger couples, from our church, with younger children that meets once a week. In addition, Jarrod meets with a few guys once a week and I've been getting together with a few good women as well. In addition, Jarrod has accepted a part time job helping the Onalaska Historical Society to get their catalog of stuff in professional order. And we've had a few gravestone cleaning/photography jobs on the side. God has been very good to this particular Roll family. I'm enjoying my new teaching position at G-E-T. The staff is wonderful and the students are great. But teaching Chemistry is the best!
Well, on to what most of you come to view - pictures of Jed!
Jed at the Labor Day Parade. We found out once we were all ready there that it is known as the "candy" parade. Luckily we knew the family sitting next to us and they had an extra plastic bag.
Jed loved all the fire trucks and ambulances. It was his first parade - he finally got the hang of it near the end. About a month later we took him to the Octoberfest Torchlight Parade which is held after dark. He absolutely loved everything - the marching bands, the dancers/twirlers and of course all the emergency vehicles!
Jed was out playing the mud. Silly boy. Still cute though.
We've got a concrete pad in our driveway. It's not big enough to park a car on, but it's great for sidewalk chalk and playing Little Tikes basketball.
Found this trike at a garage sale for cheap. It's in great condition. Jed just can't quite reach the pedals. He likes to sit on it and get pushed around.
The colder weather seemed to sneak up on us. But we still manage to get out a little bit before dark comes. I'm sure that it won't be that way much longer. Jed just loves to watch the trains. He's actually in mid jump. He's just starting to get a little tiny bit of air.
Jed playing in his water-sand table w/o the water.
He moves just a bit too fast these days.
Fresh Fall Leaves. He really likes the leaves. They make him giggle.
Since our house is pretty drafty, I insisted Jed have a bathrobe to wear around the house when he's in his PJ's. Jed just loves it - and he is sooo handsome.
Jed is becoming quite proficient at stacking blocks. He's becoming quite the builder.
Again - what a handsome boy. We didn't go Trick-or-Treating this year, but he did go to a Harvest Festival w/ KK and her family.
This little man loves to sit on the stools at our counter when I'm cooking in the kitchen. He colored with crayons for awhile, but now likes to sit around and play with whatever is available. He did get some small tubs of Play-doh at the Harvest Festival. He enjoys pulling the dough out of the canister and then putting it back in again.
Hmmm . . . looks interesting.
Jarrod got Jed to try pulling out the insides twice. Then Jed didn't want anything else to do with the pumpkins.
Jed especially didn't like them once we put the candles in them and turned out the lights.
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