Jed has taken to watering anything. It started with watering his sand and water table - and not just the water end. Then he began watering my plants on nice days. Then Grandpa Tut (Papa Tut) came and planted a few cherry tomato plants for us in the back garden. Everyday Jed will fill his watering can, point to the back and say, "Papa Tut" and then lead us around back to water "his" plants.
This was taken on May 5. We were out enjoying a beautiful Saturday (or Sunday) when we realized that we didn't have a picture of my big, pregnant belly. Wow! It doesn't look so big from above.
Tuesday, May 13 was my last day teaching for quite some time. I had a blast with my students - celebrating the year and the baby. We took tests, ate food and then played the Wii. Saying goodbye wasn't fun, but I will be back to help write finals and enter some grades sooner or later. Then on to graduation to see them walk! (Congrats!! all you seniors!)
Wednesday I awoke praying that I would not have to wait long for our little girl to arrive. The thought of waiting like I did with Jed (12 days) was not my idea of fun, but I would have trusted that God had a plan. Well, his plan was much different than I had expected and much better than anything I could have hoped for. I send Jed off to KK's and Jarrod off to work, took a nap, went and then got my hair cut (Mike is the best!). On the way home, I called Jarrod and suggested that I drive out and visit him for lunch - so we had a wonderful date at Ginny's Cupboard in Sparta. It's the same place that we debriefed after our first doctor appointment for our first pregnancy - so it was a little sentimental. Driving home, I was just exhausted. I had been going full throttle for days - trying to have not only Jed prepared and the house ready, but my classroom ready for my absence. So I took a 2 hour nap in the recliner. It was wonderful. I was having contractions at that time, but it was the status quo for the past 3 weeks. I went to pick up Jed and spent about half an hour talking with KK (she's such a dear friend and great babysitter!) I noticed the contractions getting stronger, but it had happened before with no triumphant end. So, Jed and I went to the grocery store, came home and played outside waiting for Jarrod to get home. At this point, I started timing contractions, just in case: 10 minutes apart, 30 -45 seconds long.
Jarrod got home, took Jed on a walk and I started making dinner. I was taking my time(a.k.a. watching the news) because I knew that they can take some long walks. But tonight they made it home earlier than I expected, so off the kitchen to make dinner. I go the meat frying and started on the rest of it. At this point the contractions we about 8 minutes apart and 30-45 seconds long. Still bearable. Next thing I know I'm on my knees in the kitchen and still convinced that it would end without a trip to the hospital. Jarrod and Jed came in to check on dinner during one of those on my knees moments and seeing Jed's face convinced me that it was time for him to go to KK's. But we still dilly-dallied. The false alarm on Saturday night made us cautious of dealing with another false alarm because we didn't want to inconvinence KK and her family any more than we had to. At this point I left the kitchen to just relax as much as possible & Jarrod was finishing dinner, repacking Jed's bags and playing airplane with Jed while I was contracting. Jed did not like it when the contractions came, hence airplane. Otherwise, he really just wanted "Mama." So we would cuddle in the chair(below), waiting for Daddy to come and play airplane every 6-7 minutes for about 45-60 seconds.At 7:00, Jarrod ran Jed over to KK's. Jed was not hesitant to leave - I had to specifically ask him to come and give me hugs and kisses. I was so sad to see him go.
Jarrod returned to re-pack our bags since I had scavanged items from them since Saturday's false alarm. After the bags were packed & in the car, Jarrod sat down to make sure that I was in the serious stage of labor. He had a more difficult time judging this because I was still joking with him about some things - for example when he took my picture on the couch in the middle of a contraction (which you will not see on this blog). But when I started crying saying that I can't do this, he realized it was definately time to go.
The car ride down to the hospital wasn't bad. The ride up to the 5th floor in a wheelchair was awful. At 8:00 we were waiting for the nurses and midwives to get the tub full of water. Waiting was terrible. In addition, they have to monitor the baby first, ask you all these questions that I didn't have the energy or ability to answer due to the pain and they check to see how dilated you are (6 cm!). They also had to put in an IV since I hemorraged last time. I was frustrated because all I wanted to do was get in that tub - this made the pain worse. But the student midwife, Mary - bless her, spoke the most relaxing words to me - I don't even remember what they were, but I was able to relax through the contractions and take them one at a time. Jarrod was such phenomenal - answering all the admission questions, rubbing my back at the same time and reminding me of what was to come - that I'd get to hold her soon! He was the perfect partner through it all (and still is!! :) ). At one point all the nurses and midwives were making the final tub preparations when I yelled, "I feel like I need to push and my water just broke!!!!!" I'm not sure they heard much more than I need to push. Next thing I know I'm being ushered across the room and helped into the tub. I think I may have even cracked a joke at this point.
Once in the tub, I pushed a few times. At the third I yelled out to the nurses & midwives, "Fire, fire, fire!" (If you've had a child, you or your wife, know what I'm referring to.) I remember looking up at the nurses and midwives, seeing them look at each other with slightly clueless - this can't be happening yet looks. At this, one of them checked and said, "I feel a head - the baby is right there." These were the most encouraging words I've ever heard! I took the next pushes a little slower to avoid tearing and next thing I'm holding a little girl! She was so precious - didn't even cry right away. And so here's, Stella Lynn Roll:
That was a beautiful birth story. Congrats on your new little one and being a stay at home mom.
Yay!!! It sounds like a wonderful birth experience! Congratulations on your new daughter! She is precious. The pictures of Stella and Jed together are too cute. You have such a beautiful family!
Love you,
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