Jed was out playing the mud. Silly boy. Still cute though.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Still alive in Onalaska.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Strawberries, Keyboards & A Contest!
Ahh . . . this is Jed in his glory - sitting down for a snack of strawberries. I wish I could catch the excited look he has and his exlaimations of joy as I bring them over.
Classic Jed. He loves to spontaneously point out lights in any room he may be in. He does the same with ceiling fans and basketball hoops as well.
"Be gentle with horsey," Mommy says as Jed tries to poke him in the eye.
And now for the Contest: Can you guess what Jed has on his face in the picture shown below?
The Winner will receive a batch of home baked goodness as Jarrod likes to say. That would be a batch of either chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal raisin (your choice) either hand delivered or mailed to your home (depending upon your location relative to ours).
Here are the rules & requirements:
1) You must be a family member or friend of this particular Roll Family (I don't see this as being an issue, but just in case . . .)
2) You have to leave your guess as a comment on our blog. Yes, that may mean registering, but you won't get any junk mail.
3) The first 5 people with correct answers will have their names in a drawing for the batch of cookies.
4) The last day that you will be able to post a guess will be August 15.
Now get guessing!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
End of July Activities
This weekend we were busy with projects around the house. We bought an iron table with 4 chairs. It needed to be repainted, so we used metal brush on it, washed it, primed it and painted it! It looks great. Once it is put back together I'll take a pic and put it up so you can see it.
Last weekend we had a nice visit with Grandpa & Grandma Roll. They brought Jed a little tikes basketball hoop and mini-basketball. He is now the envy of the neighborhood. Jed is very good at dunking and stares in wide-eyed amazement when anyone dribbles the ball. I'd put up a pic, but he is always moving too fast and they are all blurry. So pray he pauses just long enough for a pic.
Jed also took a real good tumble off the couch and landed on a wood cart for his wooden blocks. We sat for 20-30 minutes yesterday watching Bob the Builder just so he would let me hold a cold pack on his head. It is a doozy - you'll see. I think this is a consequence of Mommy & Daddy roughhousing with him on the couch - oops. Now he thinks he can jump around on it by himself. We'll have to start modeling roughhouse on the floor rather than on the couch.
Here's some fun things that Jed has done this past month that I forgot to write in the last two posts.
-He's trying to talk - he can say Mom, Momma, Ma, D, Daddy or Da-dee, "K-K", truck, Oh Boy!, this and that, cheese (kinda)
-When playing with a phone, he jibber-jabbers - sooo adorable.
-He is stacking blocks.
-He is "playing" with his farm - driving animals around in the tractor and such.
-Dancing and spinning
-Trying to jump
-Almost able to go up and down small steps by himself
-Puts his hand to his ear for various sounds - the most common are trains, big trucks, police/ambulance or fire truck sirens, planes and more
-Looks to the sky when he hears a plane or helicopter
-Beginning to "type" with one finger instead of key mashing
-can drink from a straw
-Likes to draw with writting utensils, but gets them taken away because he chews on them.
-Has a molar or two with more on the way. Strange says the dentist because he only has 3 top teeth and 2 bottom ones.
-Gives kisses & hugs
-Wants his owies kissed by mom
-Will kiss your owie
-Will wave goodbye to his books when you finish reading
-points out motorcycles, lions, ladybugs, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, trucks, fire engines, cars, butterflys (& moths), strawberries, apples and tons of others when you read books.
-Is finally attached (not too much) to his baby bear
-LOVES Thomas the Train
-Gets upset when Daddy leaves
-Drums on his drum
-Has a bottle before bed and about half the mornings
-Will bring an object to you if you ask or take an object to someone
-Helps put things away or pick up when asked
Well, I think I'm running out of new things. Maybe Jarrod can add some - he always thinks of ones I don't. We're a great team that way.
Oh, and check out the following websites:
One is linked over there under links - Roll Family Scrapbook Pages, the other is and finally .
We really haven't told anyone that we started a business. Partly because we haven't had any business to speak of. But the local paper, the LaCrosse Tribune, called and wanted to feature Jarrod & the business as their Business of the Week. Wow! Thought you might be interested in the article. I also included our website. For some strange reason, 4 out of 5 times I get an error message when trying to get to it. Well, love you all! Pics coming within the next week.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Feeling A Bit Guilty
So, if you haven't read the last post yet, you'll want to before you read what is coming up next.
I feel guilty . . . When Jed got home today, he spent 10-15 minutes wandering around the house saying, in his really cute way, "Oh no. Oh no!" He was obviously searching for something. It was so difficult to try to talk to him, knowing full well that I have done this. I tried interesting him in other toys to no avail. Thankfully Daddy returned home a little early and the car was a great distraction.
Well, I'm off. I'm in the middle of a digital scrapbook page with some pictures from our wedding. Love you all!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
July Happenings
Wow – can you believe that it has been an entire month since the last post?! This summer is flying by and I can hardly stand it! I really don’t want it to end. I feel like I just transitioned out of the school year and am finally beginning to relax. But then I look at the calendar and realize that August is almost here. It’s time to start ramping up for the school year – a new challenge this year as I will bet at a new school.
Well, what has the Roll family been up to this month? Great question! A lot! I’ve been to two weeks of training, one for AP Chem and another for using Vernier products for the classroom. Both were wonderful weeks with so much to learn that I didn’t get everything in that I had hoped.
We spent the weekend before July fourth at my mom’s. Jed spent some time playing in, err drinking from his Elmo sprinkler. Silly boy. We all had a grillout together, as the Oswald’s joined us for dinner. Then we headed up to Sanitarium Hill to watch Rhythm and Booms! It was fabulous. I was a bit nervous that Jed wouldn’t like the noise from the fireworks, but he didn’t mind. He must be used to all the noise since we have a train running through our backyard at all hours of the day and night. He even curled up next to Aunt Pam and tried to fall asleep. A few minutes later, he was in my arms sleeping instead.
We have discovered the fun and exciting times at the Onalaska Aquatic Center. Jed loves it – especially the slide in the kid’s area. (Scroll down for pictures) Jed still gets very excited when Daddy gets home because he gets to play in the car for a little while. We also went to Jed’s second county fair (his first was last summer when we saw Uncle Ryan play for Battle of the Bands in Washington cty). Jed really enjoyed the fair – from the sheep, chickens, cows, rabbits to the rides and big “trucks.” It was entertaining to watch him gallivant around the small animal barn. He was acting a very proud – like he owned the place. As he passed the sheep, one bleated loudly in about a foot away from him. Jed startled and looked like his pride was squashed. I couldn’t help but smile at the new sheepish looking Jed.
The following day, we packed up the car to head to Verona to visit the Kilp’s family (see link to their blog in upper right). I haven’t seen Karen and Andy since May of 2005 – before our little ones were born. We had a wonderful afternoon meeting each other’s children, visiting, watching Jed and Bella “swim” in the pool and enjoying Butterburgers at Culvers – yum! I didn’t manage to take out the camera, but Karen put up a few of her pics on their site. Thank you Karen and Andy! (Andy - Congratulations on your ordination!) Then we drove up the my Aunt and Uncle Marquard’s cabin for the weekend. It was Jed’s first lake, boat, cabin and canoe experience. We enjoyed visiting with everyone there. And we definitely got a lot of visiting done since the weather was quite chilly for mid-July. Even Jarrod was wearing his jeans and a borrowed sweatshirt!
Drinking out of the sprinkler - a regular occurance. Really, he tries to drink out of anything that holds water - cups and glasses of course, but also the top of his water-sand table, drinking fountains, hoses, bathtubs, watering cans, puddles and the swimming pool.
He's so proud of himself!
I just found this picture - I didn't realize he fell asleep before curling up with Aunt Pam. He really must have been tired - I don't blame him since the fireworks didn't really get going till after 9:30om.
When we got back into town we were blessed to get to visit with Brooke who we haven't seen since our wedding. While she was over, she and Jarrod watched as Jed took a tumble in slow motion. It was one of those falls that doesn't look like it would cause any damage, but he had three small goose-eggs on his forehead. Here you can only see two.
Jed found my goggles in one of my boxes full of stuff from school. He though they were pretty cool to wear. All ready wants to be like Momma . . .
The goggles now reside in his toy box.
At the Aquatic Center on family nights you can take in floaties. Jed loves riding around the pool via Daddy power. I'm a bit worried that he is going to pop it because, as you can see, he chews on the built in "toy."
There is a really great children's play area with little fountains. He has a great time trying to "catch" the water.
Did he discover his ears? We don't know, but he will plug his ears at funny times - like at the pool. He also did this on a walk we took. Maybe it was too noisy walking by the busy road?
At the fair we found a large plastic cow. Jed was very gentle, petting it instead of pounding it. He really felt special up there - had to go back and sit on the cow later on in the evening.
He really liked all the animals. But he was most interested in petting the rabbits - maybe because we always see some in our yard.
His first carousel ride. We ended up sharing a horse but had a blast. I know that you can't really tell from Jed's look, but after we got off he was really excited. He wanted to ride again.
Can you spot little Jed? I wish this picture was big enough to see his face! He's in the process of exclaiming "Wow!"
See the rainbow?
I am so blessed.
On a whim, I took his Thomas motorized train set out that he got from Grandma Tut for his 1st birthday. He was so excited! The only problem is that he doesn't have the skill, yet, to set Thomas back on the track if he falls off. Nor does he realize that he can't sit on the track or pull the track apart. When any of these things happen he starts screaming and crying. Not fun. We'll put Thomas away for a little while longer . . .
The Tuttle family tradition of taking a picture of the family by the car.
So, I said Thomas was going to be put away . . . Well, Mommy left a tiny corner uncovered. Big no-no. Jed really LOVES Thomas, so Thomas had to come back out to play. And the screaming began again, after we all had a lot of fun building tunnels around the track with blocks. This was difficult for Jed because when we usually build towers, he gets to knock them down.
I have to say how amazed I am at how bright and observant Jed can be - even when I am frustrated because it is getting more and more difficult to hide something or distract him.
Thomas ran out of steam (a.k.a. dead battery), so Jarrod promptly changed it. Jed watched Daddy so intently. Afterward Jed tried his hand at fixing Thomas too.
Shhh . . . don't tell Jed . . .
A few days later, Thomas was packed up and put in a red bag and hidden. We'll try again in a month or two.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Playground fun and other stuff
Our little guy had an outpatient surgery. It was an early morning for the Roll family, but God is very good and provided strength and compassion for Mommy & Daddy, skill and discernment for the doctors and quick recovery along with a patient temperment for Jed.
If you haven't been to Kids Coulee, there are turrents and tunnels and winding narrow "staircases," swings, bouncy bridges and more. Jed was loving it. Here he is doing his "happy dance."
We had one tuckered out little guy. He actually didn't squirm for his diaper change and continued to lie on the floor "reading" this Baby Einstein brochure.
Jed likes to help with the dishes. Normally he'll roll the dish holders in and shut the door, but this time he thought his box needed a good wash.